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Trevor and Miriam Clowers

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Support Account #30181S

Trevor and Miriam Clowers both grew up on the mission field as missionary kids. Through missions, God brought them together, they got married, and have been called to the mission field. They are passionate about getting the message of the Good News of Jesus Christ to the lost and brokenhearted. Together, they went to Wales, United Kingdom in 2022 and served two years working with ELI Project, a ministry that reaches out to families with exceptional needs children. They are eager to get back to Wales as soon as possible to continue with what God has called them to do. Their vision is to help develop and raise up leaders, disciple new believers with scriptural truth, provide practical support and care, open their home with love and food, and create a safe environment where these families and individuals can grow in a safe and Godly community. They are called to demonstrate Christ's love, power, and biblical truth to the Welsh nation and the families they serve in the exceptional needs community.

Please consider partnering with Trevor and Miriam in prayer and financially. They need your help to take the Gospel to these families in a country that is post Christian and so desperately needs Jesus.

Trevor and Miriam Clowers

Trevor and Miriam Clowers Ministry

Trevor and Miriam Clowers Gift

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